

Venus hot yoga studio opened in 2010. We are located in the center of Zagreb in the historical building of Ban Jelačić, which successfully and unharmed survived three major earthquakes, just like yoga is flexible.

Everyone is welcome to our yoga classes and to our rejuvenation treatments using natural and non-invasive methods. You can always combine yoga with one of the treatments or with a manual massage.


The mission of Venus hot yoga is to help our students become healthier, more beautiful and happier.

Working on yourself is a journey that we can enjoy, and through physical change, which is definitely possible, comes inner peace and satisfaction.

Classes are held in Croatian and English.

Venus hot yoga is also a place where friendships are made over tea after class, and where you can come for a talk or consultation. Our therapists and instructors Vjerna, Danijel, Ana and Nina are at your service.

Vjerna Nevistić


Why Hot Yoga?

Vjerna was born on March 2, 1972 in Zagreb. She is a Master of Kinesiology with a focus on the basics of kinesiological transformation (change through movement), and is currently enrolled in a doctoral program with a topic of yoga at the Faculty of Kinesiology. She started practicing yoga at the age of 14 as a supplement to her dance training, which she attended at the School of Rhythm and Dance Ana Maletić (graduated with the title of dance pedagogue). In 1992, yoga was also formally taught at the Faculty of Kinesiology. Vjerna has also been teaching the basics of yoga to students at the Faculty of Kinesiology in Zagreb for many years.

  • 1996 she moved to the USA where she lived and worked as a fitness and yoga instructor and personal trainer for the next seven years (Chicago, Dallas, Phoenix). She continued her education and explored yoga styles and schools. Her first two sons were born there, who have been practicing gymnastics, martial arts and yoga since they were little.

  • 2003 she came to Prague with her family where she founded her first hot yoga center (and at that time the first in the Czech Republic). She graduated with a professional MBA degree from the American-Swiss University UNYP- Kurt Bosch Universitaire.

  • 2007 she returned to Croatia and opened Venus hot yoga studio in Zagreb, Radićeva 3. In Zagreb she also gave birth to her third son, who is also intensively training basketball and yoga.

  • 2021 she founded the Equilibrium Kinesiology School with programs for training yoga and pilates instructors certified by the Ministry of Education, which are valid throughout the European Union.

Regular trips to India are her passion and profession. She is a member of the board of the Tagore Prize literary and social award, which is held every year in New Delhi, India. She visits temples in the Himalayas and various yoga centers. Her favorite is the Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga in New Delhi, whose motto is: “Health, harmony and happiness for all through yoga”, and where everyone from ordinary people, therapists, soldiers as part of their training, and Haidakan Babaji Ashram hidden in the Himalayas, mystical, authentic and little known to the public.

In her long-standing yoga practice she has worked with different profiles of people:

  • with athletes who have chosen yoga as an additional activity, most often to increase flexibility, balance, coordination and better breathing function and relaxation, e.g. hockey players, runners, swimmers of younger categories, martial arts kickboxing and boxing, divers…

  • with people who come because of back pain, hips, knees, insomnia, arrhythmia, mild depression, obesity and many other problems and solve them through regular practice of asanas and pranayama

  • children, students, older age groups, recreational athletes

Since she was little, she has also been actively involved in martial arts Budokai with her uncle Dr. Emin Topić and competed in kata (3rd place at the World Kata Championship in Venice in 1989).

Vjerna’s favorite is “No freedom without discipline” and her new book on yoga has a similar title: Yoga- discipline to freedom. In it, she presents a classification of 196 asanas divided into 18 groups in relation to the position of the upper and lower body on the mat, which allows instructors to easily arrange classes and students to perform them more easily and correctly…

For an individual session with Vjerna you can call: 095 576 3818

If you have any questions